

Healthcare Changes as of 10/1

October 12, 2017

Healthcare Changes as of 10/1

"Fail the Budget" Press Conference and Protest

September 26, 2017

"Fail the Budget" Press Conference and Protest

Act Now! State Budget Hurts Colleges

September 20, 2017

Act Now! State Budget Hurts Colleges

BOR Revised Code of Conduct

September 19, 2017

BOR Revised Code of Conduct

State Budget Hurts Colleges & Collective Bargaining; Governor Pledges to Veto

September 19, 2017

State Budget Hurts Colleges & Collective Bargaining; Governor Pledges to Veto

State Budget

September 15, 2017

State Budget

Furlough Day Guidelines

September 15, 2017

Furlough Day Guidelines

Students First Planning Teams

September 7, 2017

Students First Planning Teams

The Legal Case that Threatens Unions; How Unions are Rising to the Challenge

September 7, 2017

The Legal Case that Threatens Unions; How Unions are Rising to the Challenge

Contract Implementation

August 31, 2017

Contract Implementation

Labor Day

August 31, 2017

Labor Day

House and Senate Pass SEBAC & 4Cs Tentative Agreements

August 1, 2017

House and Senate Pass SEBAC & 4Cs Tentative Agreements

House and Senate Pass SEBAC & 4Cs Tentative Agreements

August 1, 2017

House and Senate Pass SEBAC & 4Cs Tentative Agreements

4Cs President Bonina on the 4Cs and SEBAC Tentative Agreements

July 18, 2017

4Cs President Bonina on the 4Cs and SEBAC Tentative Agreements