We recently
- Held a press conference at Manchester where many 4Cs members spoke about the critical services our PT and FT EAs provide.
- Sent our demand to President Cheng and the Board or Regents to use the $125 million in CT State and CSCU reserves to renew every EA contract
- Collected approximately 500 names on our petition to renew every EA contract. If you have not yet signed our petition - please do so now here.
- To date, management has responded to our demands by renewing some EA contracts, but not all of them. Additionally, many renewals have been short term renewals for only 1-3 months. And in some cases, renewals have been made but with reduced hours!
This is unacceptable. Our students and our member deserve and demand much better. So, we are stepping up the fight this week.
We are stepping up our demand to President Maduko and our also making our demands to our campus managers!
We demand CT State managers do the following:
- Utilize the $125 million dollars in CT State and CSCU reserves to renew every EA contract
- Ensure contracts are renewed for 1 year
- Ensure no reduction in hours to any EA
- Commit in writing to renewing every EA contract slated for Fall semester.
President Maduko has not yet responded directly to our demand to use reserves.
Our campus managers and President Maduko have the authority to call for an emergency BOR meeting and request the use of reserves to address this crisis. Our managers must take the necessary action to ensure our students don't suffer even more by reduced and diminished services across our campuses.
We are demanding they do so. And we won't stop fighting, telling our stories to the public and our elected leaders, until every EA is secure and our students receive the services they deserve.