Anytime you have a problem or question related to your pay or payroll, the first step is to email your local HR representative (find them here). You can also email CSCU-Payroll at
Human Resources is responsible for answering your questions regarding pay and responding to your concerns and questions. If payroll is unresponsive, or if you believe payroll has given you incorrect information, forward your email to your union chapter leader (find them here) or union organizer (listed by campus represented here) and our union will provide support.
Our union is still actively fighting the BOR on their failure to pay our part-time members their correct wage increases andretroactive wages. Further, our union is pushing back on unilateral decisions that CSCU made that are not in line with the SEBAC agreement. Together, we will win this fight against CSCU and CT State managers and we will not let them get away with this inequitable treatment of our members.