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SEIU Climate Summit: Climate, Jobs & Justice

March 9, 2022

Hear from experts on climate and environmental justice and distinguished guests. Learn about SEIU’s national climate program and the exciting work of our locals as we fight for clean air, clean water and climate justice.

Join SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry and Executive Vice President Rocio Saenz for SEIU’s second annual Climate, Jobs, and Justice Summit on Saturday April 9th 2022 at 12:30pm via Zoom.

Hear from experts on climate and environmental justice and distinguished guests. Learn about SEIU’s national climate program and the exciting work of our locals as we fight for clean air, clean water and climate justice. The agenda will also include topics such as:

At this year’s summit we will have virtual networking tables before and after the event. Connect with other members on climate and environmental justice work!

Please visit our new Summit Virtual Climate Storybooth to share your experiences with climate change, your hopes for the future, and what your local is doing to advance climate justice.

Register here.