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Climate March on Tuesday, 2/8 - #LeadOnClimate

February 4, 2022

Join the 4Cs, Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG), and more for the Connecticut Climate Justice March to amplify the voices of the most vulnerable communities and urge Connecticut to #LeadOnClimate!

CT Climate Justice March

Tuesday, February 8, 2PM

Old State House, 800 Main St, Hartford (Backside of the Bldg.)

Register here

Climate disruption is disproportionately harming the most vulnerable communities.

The march, led by drummers, will stop at Eversource (CT's largest utility) Travelers (one of the worst insurers for climate in the world), the Department of Environmental Protection (thank you DEEP!), and finish at the State Capitol where the Governor and legislators will be kicking off the legislative session. The walking route is about a mile in distance and relatively flat.

To register, please click here. For more information, contact Ann Gadwah of the Sierra Club (email |(860) 733-2249).